Baby Steps Lead To Avalanches
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein
Essential Ingredient #5
Life Lesson #4 Close Your Eyes and Dream
Dreams are powerful reflections of your actual growth potential.
-The Joy of working
I know just as well as anyone how easy it is to get caught up in the everyday “get through’ the day type of stuff. Actually most people who don’t take the time to “see” things, to dream things any other way know it all too well. Simply dreaming isn’t enough. We need to learn to believe in them. To believe in us, that we deserve whatever we want, whatever we are dreaming. We need to take time to be happy with ourselves and our world so we can be happy in the life we dream to live. The more real our dream is, the more we believe it is going to “be”, the easier it will be to create it. When you believe in something with your heart and soul, when it is so real to you that you can close your eyes and see, smell, and touch it you let go of your fear, you let go of “just getting through”. You no longer are willing to accept life as it is, you are living life as you choose.
The book mentions that “life changes in an instant”, I certainly know the truth of that, however I also know that we all spend a lot of time waiting for the instant that will change our lives. We don’t have to sit and wait for things to happen in order for our lives to change. Today can be our new beginning. Today we can choose to stand up for ourselves and our right to live a better happier life. What do you want your life to look like? What do you want, the merry-go-round, or the dream?
I understand, easier said than done, right? Well let me ask you this; if you aren’t living your happiest life, if you’re already “stuck” in a crazy, stress filled life, then what do you have to lose, why not give it a go? Why not trust in you, in your dream? Why not give yourself the opportunity to get off the merry-go-round and onto a ride you create for yourself? Remember we are always “at choice”. At any point in time if you were not happy with what you are creating you have the power to make a new choice and change it…so why not try?
Dreaming illustrates your hidden capacities and your unawakened ability.
- Peter Daniels
• Reminder; all exercises come directly from the book “Life Lessons
Exercise 1
In a previous section, we talked about playing the “what if” game. This time instead of playing what if…why not play I am…? How does one play? It all comes back to being. You can be what you want if you can picture yourself being it, living it, experiencing it. Close your eyes and imagine that you are successful. You live in a beautiful home. You have delicious relationships and vibrant health. You have a wonderful life. You are able to relax and enjoy life to the fullest. You are content, and all of your worries are gone. Use all five senses.
Now take a step forward and elaborate from there. In your Prosperity Journal, Create your Dream Scene. Take a specific situation, circumstance, dream or desire and write out the scene or the story about it in your journal. Describe the way you want to see it unfold, and the way you want it to turn out. Remember, you are the star of your own Dream Scene. Write as if you can see, taste, touch, smell, and feel your desired result. Know that you are already there in your mind’s eye. The key is that it must feel good while doing this process. The more detailed you can make it and feel good about it, the better.
Let’s say you want a new home. What kind of house do you live in? Where is it located? Is this your summer home? What does the air smell like when you arrive home? Is it by the sea? Is it in the country? Can you see it clearly? How does it make you feel? Do you feel like it is really yours? Do you feel as though you have earned it, that you deserve all that you are visualizing? This too is part of the process. When your feelings are one with your thoughts and beliefs, and they are truly focused on your positive goals that you have set—the picture that you are holding in your mind’s eye—they will begin manifesting. In essence, you are using your thoughts to attract the people, ideas, situations, and more that will bring you the vision you are holding of yourself. Thus, you create your reality.
Let go of limiting thoughts and begin by embracing the life that you want, desire, and deserve. Let the picture you see in your mind support your goals, and you will help them materialize that much faster. Let the dreams be the guide to your future and the road to your success. You just have to close your eyes and…dream.
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #6
Your Full Potential
Life Lesson # 1 Live Life Fully
Smile Often,
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