Your Full Potential
A dream is not something that you wake up from, but something that wakes you up.
-Charlie Medges
Essential Ingredient #6
Life Lesson #2 One Giant Leap for the Life You Love
Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: the potential for greatness lives within each of us.
-Wilma Rudolph
For today’s post I would like to share with you something that I wrote last November.
What’s stopping you from doing the things you need to do in order to have a career you love, a family life filled with joy, enough money to buy the things you want, attract more clients, enjoy more vacations, lose weight, or to take care of you? I know what stopped me and if I were to venture a guess I would say you have used some of the same explanations or better yet excuses to justify why you haven’t reached your goals.
Maybe you have no time, no money or perhaps the alarm didn’t go off…again. It could be that you have no support, not from your spouse not from your children and certainly not from the rest of your family or friends. It’s also possible that you’re not educated, no college degree, right? Still not it, well maybe you’re simply exhausted.
I understand, really I do, been there said that and more. The truth is we all have things that we want to accomplish yet time after time we find ourselves never getting to the finish line. How is it possible that we can declare our burning desire to achieve a goal and almost as fast as we get started, the task, dream, or goal is brushed aside leaving behind the thoughts that we will use to beat ourselves up with over and over again?
It is a powerful question, one I have learned to use to my advantage. Every time I find myself avoiding something I stop and ask, “OK B what’s stopping you now?” And you know what the real answer is? It’s always the same and it’s the same for all of us. The real answer is the only thing stopping us from achieving the things we want, is US! That’s it, it’s just that simple. I stop myself. I set my own road blocks and you set yours. Not our spouse, not our kids, not the dog, or the alarm. Bottom line, we do it to ourselves.
Fear not, there is an up-side; because we do this to ourselves we have the ability to stop doing it. It’s all about choices and excuses. Our choices brought us to where we are today. Our excuses keep us here. But, and here comes the good news, if we don’t like where we are now our choices can take us somewhere new…somewhere better.
I know what you’re thinking, easier said than done, right? Isn’t everything? Life is what happens while we are waiting for the perfect circumstances to come along. I don’t know about you, but I finally got sick and tired of waiting for that perfect moment. So I began questioning my excuses and stopped looking for someone or something other than myself to blame and low and behold, the road blocks started to disappear. It’s empowering to not only be able to get things done but by doing them, not have to deal with the situations that are created because we did nothing.
So the next time you find yourself avoiding something you need to do in order to get one step closer to your goal don't allow yourself to explain or excuse it away. Instead ask yourself, “What’s really stopping you? “And “Is what’s stopping you more beneficial than achieving your goal?”
After all what could be easier than asking yourself two simple questions?
I know I don’t have all the answers, but the one thing I know (and from personal experience) is; no matter what reasons/excuses we have for not living the life we want to live and having all that we want to have, the only thing truly stopping us can be found when we look in a mirror, and that’s the bottom line. Stop saying you can’t because…just start doing. If you do then one step at a time, piece by piece you will build the life you have dreamed of.
• Reminder; all exercises come directly from the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
Exercise 1
1. Make a list of five things you would like to change, create, or experience. Once you have selected them write a paragraph about the five things that will help you bring them to life. Do this as if you’d actually achieved each one and are living the life as you created it. When you’re finished with the descriptions select the one that really makes your heart beat fastest. This will be your goal for the month, your single focus.
2. Map out how you will accomplish the goal. This is your first stepping stone in creating the life you love, so be detailed while you assemble your action plan. Don’t just say you’re going to lose ten pounds. Determine what specific steps you are going to take. For example, are you going to fast, diet or exercise? If you are going to exercise are you going to do it at a gym or at home using equipment or a home video or DVD? These are the types of details that will focus you toward accomplishing your goal. The more detail provided, the less room for ambiguity.
Get on board now. Take that one small step today for the giant leap toward the life that you will truly love—the one custom designed by you.
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #6
Life Lesson # 3 If you Want It, You Can Have It
Smile Often
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