Your Full Potential
There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until they believe they can acquire it. Before anything can come to us, we have to envision it and believe it is ours.
-Napoleon Hill
Essential Ingredient #6
Life Lesson #2 If You Want It, You Can Have It
Your mind is a powerful magnet that will attract to you the things you identify yourself with.
\--Alfredo Karras
Last night I was standing at my kitchen counter making a big bowl of egg salad when I noticed I was smiling. It wasn’t just a little smile; it was a big grin, one that I knew came from deep inside. It felt so strange to me, and for a brief second I didn’t understand why I was smiling. I was alone in the house so it’s not like someone made me smile and although I like egg salad it’s never had this effect on me before. Yet there it was, and at that very moment I felt…happy.
For those that truly know me, you understand the stressful negative things that have been going on in my life and knowing that might make you wonder what the heck I was smiling about. Strange thing is; at first I wasn’t sure myself and yet there I was looking and feeling like I had just scored the last piece of fudge cake. I’ve been carrying that feeling with me since then. It’s truly amazing and somehow odd, although I now understand what’s going on…Yes that moment when a light goes off and you realize something that you think should have been obvious…in coaching it is referred to as an “Aha” moment.
It’s entirely true. One “Aha” moment after another and it’s sinking back in…I hadn’t faced it (although I knew I had done it) but there was a point when something negative happened and all I saw was the negative side. I saw it, talked about it, lived it, and things began to snowball to the size and description that my mind had made them out to be. It started with an exception, and although there are exceptions to every rule once you have made one it becomes easier and easier to make another. My advice to you; if you are considering making an exception, reconsider, make certain that the price you end up paying isn’t going to affect you in a way that will jeopardize all you want to be, do, or have…no matter what happens as a result be sure that you can hold true to you and your vision (the positive one).
Little by little I had stopped doing the things that I made habits. The things that brought me the positive results I wanted. The things I knew would bring and were bringing me in the direction of my dream. I don’t mean that I stopped doing the “work”; I mean I stopped doing the things that supported me. The things that helped me grow as a person and a coach. The things that help me develop strength and conviction in my intuition. Although doing so didn’t close my mind for others it closed it for me and in doing so had an effect on others. How could it not have? If I’m not myself and I’m acting and reacting out of the norm, how could it not have?
So what changed? What woke me up? This journey. This book. Some lesson you need to review several times throughout your life…there’s always room for improvement, always more to learn. Working my way through this book helped me shed some fear, take responsibility, remember who I am, recreate my vision, see my own value and realize so many opportunities. I am back on track and enjoying all the things I had stopped doing in order to fit in more “busy work”…busy work only takes you right back to the starting point so you can begin again tomorrow from the same point.
The author’s of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
• Reminder; all exercises come directly from the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
Exercise 1
Create Reminders to reinforce the belief that nothing is keeping you from success. Write these reminders as inspirational quotes or daily affirmations that are strategically placed so that you can’t help but see them often.
Your belief about what is possible is the core of the Law of Attraction, and more directly, the key to success and abundance. The only boundaries that can be placed on you are self inflicted. Shed your limitations and get ready to embrace your destiny and vision—the vision that you hold for yourself, full of passion, promise, happiness, and success. If you want it, you can have it.
Note from Barbara
The “scary” things haven’t gone away, but the fear has eased and my heart is lighter and because I put the effort into growing, some amazing things have been happening, coming it seems from nowhere yet everywhere…and now my eyes are once again and I can see them.
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #6
Life Lesson # 4 You’ve Got It All
Smile Often
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