Your Full Potential
The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.
Brian Tracy
Essential Ingredient #6
Life Lesson #1 Live Life Fully
It’s not so much what happens to us, as what happens in us that counts.
Tim Mansel
Two and a half years ago on Route 128 during rush hour, my brother was in a motorcycle accident. Didn’t recognize him, in a coma and the doctor’s didn’t think he’d make it, couldn’t lose him too. So many things left unsaid.
Four years ago on Route 93N my life changed. It didn’t take long and the details of how it happened are still lost somewhere in my mind, but on that sunny Sunday afternoon life as I knew it and as I thought it would be, had vanished from possibility. I survived, he did not…don’t understand, we had so many plans. Being left behind, I felt like I had died…I think somehow he saved me.
Seven years ago a drunk driver runs a red light; his truck hit my driver’s side door. Spun me and flung me across the street and into a tree…less than a mile from my house. Could have been so much worse, I could have died; I must have had an angle watching over me. What would happen to my girls, would they know me…my hopes & dreams, did I share enough and do enough with them…never enough time?
Twelve years ago daughter walking to school had a gun put to her head by another teenager…it wasn’t loaded…didn’t know it at the time. I was so scared…I could have lost her. Does she know how much I love her, did I say it every day.
Thirteen years ago in the living room of my Salem New Hampshire home my Mom looked and me and said “Barbara, you have to let me go sometime” I asked her if she was ready and she said “Yes, and I love you”. My Mom told me that she was tiered and she couldn’t fight anymore and I told her that I loved her and that it was ok. My Mom used to call me 25 times a day just to say hello, it drove me crazy, made me laugh…I sure do miss it…I sure do miss her.
The above are examples of times in my life when I stopped and thought about the things I wished I had done. As to my mom, I miss her but I have no regrets. I took the time to be with her. I was able to ask her what she wanted to do before she passed and then helped her do it. I may miss her but I am thankful and have no regrets.
There have been times in my life when I thought; I wish I had done …”this” or I wish I had done “that”, wishing alone doesn’t get it done and life is too short for dreaming alone you have to get out and live it. Don’t waste time waiting for a better day, enjoy every day. Every day we have here on earth is a gift; gifts are special and meant to be enjoyed.
Take it from me, life is short, it can change it an instant.
• Reminder; all exercises come directly from the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
Exercise 1
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine how you’d respond to the following scenario:
You’ve been told that you only have two weeks left to live.
Now after the shock wears off what would you do next? How different would the next two weeks be compared to the way you have been living thus far? Would it be any different at all?
Take a look around at the day to day lives of your friends and family members. It seems to be human nature to put off one’s idea of happiness until…”I graduate”, “I earn more money”, “I get married”, or “I’m done raising my family.” Then, I’ll be able to play, to have fun and travel, or pursue my dream”. What’s up with that?
Why should all of the other things come first? Why not simultaneously? Have you wasted very precious time by putting your life on hold until—whenever?
Somewhere along the line, society seems to have programmed us into believing that the majority cannot live life and be happy simultaneously. But there are many who throw caution to the wind and believe they can have the best of both worlds…and they do. They are living proof that it all comes down to belief. If you believe that you can have the life you want, do the things you want with the people you want by your side, then the Universe will make it happen for you.
Would you have a long list of things to get done in those final two weeks, or would it be perhaps a more aggressive continuation of your day to day living?
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #6
Your Full Potential
Life Lesson # 2 One Giant Leap for the Life You Love
Smile Often
Being Human
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