To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste what you do have.
-Ken S. Keyes Jr. Handbook to Higher Consciousness
Essential Ingredient #3Life Lesson # 3 Seeing the Glass Half-Full
A funny thing happened today, I don’t mean funny ha ha I mean funny strange…but then again it really wasn’t strange either it was what I needed when I needed it, Law of Attraction in action? Anyway after I read today’s lesson it seemed so straight forward to me that I wasn’t sure where to go with it. I had been tossing ideas back and forth most of the day but couldn’t settle on one. Nothing seemed to hit home and then there it was an email from a group I belong to on LinkedIn; Motivation Nation.
I have to tell you that it has been a while since I have been on LinkedIn, or even participated in any of the discussions taking place in many groups I belong to, but something pushed me towards this one. The email was about a discussion taking place called “How is Your Attitude?” I couldn’t resist, didn’t want to and extremely glad I did not. There were so many great comments from all sides of the spectrum. People who complained about the “self help gurus” and the advice they give, people promoting being happy all the time, as well as comments from the guys hanging out in the middle of the road. Loved it, loved it all. If you would like to check out the discussion here is a link …not sure but you may need to join the group first and if that is the case I say join.
One of the things I took away from the discussion was a higher appreciation for the LifeTude I have adopted and it was truly an uplifting experience to read so many posts from like minded people. Although you will need to visit the above link if you want to read both sides of discussion I will share what I wrote here:
Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean you ignore the tough times in your life, or that you don’t have a clue about what has happened, is happening or will happen. It doesn’t mean that you are unaware of what has caused the hair on the back of your neck to stand up, or that you ignore the foreclosure notices posted outside your door.
Being positive is a choice, a frame of mind, a way of life. Positive people look for solutions to the challenges before them; whereas negative people have trouble seeing past the problem. Positive people see the glass as half full and know that there are several ways to accomplish filling the glass. Negative people see the glass half empty and are so focused on not running out that they miss the opportunity to fill it.
Positive people don’t ignore fear or grief. Four years ago my husband and I were in a horrible car accident…he didn’t survive. I know grief. I know fear. The difference is my LifeTude (as I have come to call it) allowed me to pull myself off the floor and start over. My LifeTude helped me celebrate all that I was blessed to have shared with him. It allowed me to experience the grief and face my fears and do what I needed to do.
Positive isn’t perfect, it’s happy. Negative people are not happy they just don’t know how to stop being negative, because they are so focused on the problem and not the solution.
Are you a glass is half full type person or do you always see the empty side of life? If the empty side of life best describes your view then it’s time for an attitude adjustment (or as I like to say a “LifeTude” adjustment). However if you look at the glass and see it is half full you have touched on the Law of Polarity.
The book (Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
You can read more about the Law of Polarity here
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #3 Transforming Thoughts
Life Lesson #4 Letting Go To Let It Flow
Until Then, Smile Often
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