One new perception, one fresh thought, one act of surrender, one leap of faith can change your life forever.
-Robert Holden
Essential Ingredient #4
Inspired Action
Life Lesson #5 Trust The Voice
I have so many goals and just like all of you I have an overwhelming amount of everyday “stuff” that has to be dealt with. As I was reading the chapter for yesterday’s lesson two things stood out; first how important the topic of inspired action was to the authors of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
So what did that step back teach me? It taught me that inspiration can’t be rushed, bought, forced, or borrowed and that my little gremlin is a persistent little brat. Lucky for me so is inspiration. Best of all, after reading the lessons and doing the work I now know how to tell the two apart.
Inspired action can save us a lot of time and aggravation if we would only listen to it and act on it. The lessons that are included in Essential Ingredient #4 are there to help us understand how it relates to the Law of Attraction as well as how inspired action differs from our “gremlin”. A few things that are important to keep in mind are:
1. Inspired action comes from inside
2. Gremlins also come from inside
3. Inspiration is short & sweet (to the point)
4. Gremlins are long winded and give details and explanations.
5. Gremlins love to cloud inspiration.
6. Inspired actions may not make sense to you at the time.
7. When you take inspired action you attract more of what you want/need to create the life you want.
8. Getting quiet or meditating is a great thing to do if you want to connect with your inspiration.
9. Don’t worry or panic if you don’t hear your inspired voice, be patient and it will come to you.
I will not be posting tomorrow or Friday as I did hear from my inspired voice and plan to take action on it tomorrow and through the weekend. When I return on Monday I will share the action I was inspired to take and how my gremlin has been keeping it at bay for some time now. Until then follow the exercise below, and spend a little time sitting still with your eyes closed, you may be amazed at what you learn.
• Reminder; all exercises come directly from the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
Exercise 1
In your Prosperity Journal write down two to three times in the past when you got an inspired idea and acted upon it. What was the outcome?
Now write down two or three times you got an inspired idea and your gremlin kicked in and you did not act on it. What was the outcome?
Today be aware of your intuition and ideas that come to you and be willing to take inspired action. When an idea sparks or you feel guided to do something follow it. Be curious
Monday: Essential Ingredient #5
Baby Steps Lead To Avalanches
Life Lesson #1 The Power of a Single Step
Smile Often,
Get to know more about Barbara
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