Money is neither my god nor my devil. It is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it’s greedy or loving.
-Dan Millman
Essential Ingredient #3
Life Lesson # 4 Letting Go to Let It Flow
A billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.
-Everett Dirksen
Although I consider myself a positive person I know that there is always room for improvement and I welcome any all opportunities. I am also well aware that there are some lessons that we do not learn the first time we encounter them. Today’s lesson is one that I could relate to on a few different levels and if I need to read, practice and reread in order to convert the negative baggage into positive beliefs I will.
When you grow up as a poor kid in a rich town your lack of money is thrown in your face every day. I went to school or came home from school crying…kids can be cruel. I knew money didn’t grow on trees. I knew that there wasn’t much to eat. I knew that people would make fun of my clothes and I knew that something had to change.
Some lessons don’t get through the first or even the second time. Some lessons are learned not when you think you’ve hit bottom but when you truly do. It’s not this way for everyone and I want it to come easier for you than it has for me. If you will adopt this lesson and throw out some of the negative ways you think about money you can change your financial magnetism.
In order to become a money magnet you first need to identify how you think, feel and talk about money. Are your beliefs limiting your ability to have an abundance of money in your life? Do you think that rich people are greedy uncaring individuals without a clue? Do you think it is morally wrong to want more money? Maybe your thoughts are always focused on what you can’t have be or do because you cannot afford it. Whatever your thoughts are the first step is becoming aware of them and identifying if they are mainly negative or mainly positive. If you are leaning towards the negative side you may recognize some of these:
I’m always in debt
I’ll never make enough money
I don’t deserve wealth
Only people who cheat have money
I’m always worried about money because there is never enough
Money is evil
I can’t afford……………
I never have any money
I’m broke…again
I can’t pay my bills
It’s wrong to want/desire money
Being poor keeps me humble
I live pay check to pay check; I’ll never get caught up
According to the Law of Attraction if you are struggling with money and it seems as though it is a constant struggle then your beliefs are keeping you stuck in a pattern of lack. In the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
I recognize prosperity everywhere and rejoice in it fully. There is plenty for me.
The abundance of the Universe is available to everyone, including me.
I spend money wisely and comfortably.
I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.
I am comfortable with large sums of money.
I am using money to bless my life and others
I am wealthy, generous and spiritual.
I am a money magnet
After reading through the lesson I realized that there are things that I say that help keep me stuck in a place of lack. The example they gave that hit home was; when some asks you if you have any money…what’s your response? If your answer is no then you are sending the universe a message that you have no money and you will continue to experience the same. The Universe doesn’t know our bank account status, only the signals we send out to it.
Exercise 1
1. Draw a line down the center of a clean page in your prosperity journal.
2. At the top of the page write: My current Limiting Thoughts about Money.
3. In the left hand column make a list of all your current limiting thoughts you have about money.
4. On the right hand side reach for a better feeling/thought about money.
In the book they state that the change is easy, I would say the formula for change is simple and the answers are out there…if you want to succeed at something imitate someone who has. If you want to lose weight reduce your calorie intake and increase your calorie burn…simple, but easy? Solutions are as hard as we make them out to be.
The world is filled with success stories. These successes fall in many different categories from weight loss to billionaires and within each category there are a variety of ways at which people achieved the bottom line (SUCCESS). All you have to do is Imagine, it, Believe it, Live it!
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #3
Transforming Thoughts
Life Lesson #5 Empower Yourself for Success
Until Then, Smile Often
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