Have the daring to accept yourself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the game of making the most of your best.
-Henry Emerson Fosdick
Essential Ingredient #3
Life Lesson # 2 Where Thought Goes Energy Flows
It’s fairly easy to be upbeat and positive when life is cruising along in the direction of your dreams. When the money is rolling in, the bills are all paid and all seems right with your world, smiling seems to come naturally. But what happens when you’re cruising and the road gets a little rough, you feel like you’re constantly dodging the sink holes and you become uncertain of which way to turn? Does the smile fade from your face? Do you come to a complete stop? Do you turn back and call it quits?
Remember whatever game you play, 90 percent of success is from the shoulders up.
-Milfred “Deacon” Palmer
When our road gets tough we have the opportunity to shine our brightest. When you come up against a challenge and you look and see the possibilities instead of the black hole you have in a scenes turned a corner that will allow what you want to flow to you more easily.
Do you know someone you consider “lucky”? Someone who seems to know without a doubt that they will come out of every situation smelling like a rose? This person is always happy always going for “it” and getting “it”. Have you ever wondered what makes them so different from you? Why can’t you be like that...well, you can. Change your attitude, change your perspective, and change your life.
I know what you’re thinking; easier said than done, right? Change can be difficult, but it can also be very rewarding and isn’t the reward worth the effort? I know that in my case I believe that it is so much better to go through life with a smile rather than a pout and according to the Law of Attraction if you are spending the majority of your time complaining, pouting, gossiping, putting others down, envying, worried, and wishing things were different then you will attract more situations, things and people into your life that will make it easy for you to keep on experiencing those same feelings.
The good news is that you can break that cycle. You can at any moment decide, commit, and make a change that will allow more positive and less negative into your life. I’ve heard it said that it takes 30 days to create a new habit or break an old one. The gentleman in today’s story took that challenge and finally after 30 years of emotional ups and downs he freed himself. He used positive affirmations. After reading chapter 12 “Thirty Days to Breakthrough” from “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting” and learning a technique call “Flip Switching” he was finally able to changes his thoughts and his life.
For the full explanation of the technique you can pick up a copy of Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Power of Positive Feelings
It wasn’t complex, in fact it was a very simple statement that he could remember, that he believed and repeated over and over again every time the negative thoughts or feeling crossed his mind. It was tough at first but became easier and easier as the time passed and by the end of the month he was successful at changing the way he felt about a particular situation.
Consider for a moment how much time you spend thinking about negative thoughts versus positive thoughts? Think about all the time you spend talking about bad days, people, friends, husbands or wives that are less than perfect. Truth is, the average person wastes the majority of their time on negative talk, thoughts and actions. Are you beginning to see just how the flood of negativity finds its way into the better half of your time? Would you like to change it? Would you like your day to be filled with more joy than sorrow, more highs than lows?
You can reprogram your thinking. You can change your perspective. Start now. Change whatever you need to. Refuse to gossip, hangout with like minded positive people. Whatever it takes, this is your life and by dismissing the negative and refocusing on the positive you will reshape your life.
Exercise 1
Give positive actions, thoughts, companions your undivided attention for one month. As great things happen, mark them down in your prosperity journal and review your list frequently. You’ll soon become addicted to the success that flows your way. By all means open those positive flood gates!
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #3
Transforming Thoughts
Life Lesson #3 Seeing the Glass Half Full
Until Then, Smile Often
It is amazing how much time is wasted on negative talk and activities. It seems to come from all directions and at first glance may seem insignificant but after a while begins to pile up. Really makes you look at who you hang out with how they conduct themselves in comparison to where they are in their lives. Thanks for the wake up call!