To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action until that goal is reached. The key is action.
-Michael Manson
Essential Ingredient #4
Inspired Action
Life Lesson # 1 First Things First
Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today’s lesson is about a subject that is covered in my office on a daily basis. Although I at times will use a different term for it, I think that nothing suits it better than “inspired action”. Action is the piece that many people seem conveniently unaware of its importance in accomplishing any goal, in making any change. Without inspired action you tend to move in the opposite direction of your wants, desires, dreams.
There was a short story about a family’s journey to discover what was truly missing from their lives, how to get it back, the measures they took, and how each step forward had them manifesting what they needed to live their dream life. Although the story may seem like an extreme example of someone evaluating their life and values I understand that sometimes you have to tear down the walls so that you can get to the foundation.
There are times when the repairs or adjustments can be made without going that far, however if the foundation itself is not strong and you only patch the walls eventually you could find yourself in the same situation. It can be very difficult to look at yourself and your life that closely. To examine how you live and work and discover that the road you are on isn’t going to get you where you want to be…where you would be truly happy. That what you value most has been left by the wayside and your journey has become not much more than what you do to survive. I understand how this happens, how it feels.
It’s 5:30 Monday morning and the alarm is piercing through your ears. You reach over and hit the snooze (for the third time) and think to yourself I hate Mondays, another day, another fifty cents. You put the coffee on, wake the kids and pray just this one time let it be a peaceful morning…no fighting…please. You turn on the TV, change to the news and think “Can’t they report any good news, it’s is so depressing”. You yell up to the kids that they’re going to be late, scramble for change to give the kids for lunch money and notice it’s all you have left. You think about the stack of bills on the counter and wonder how you are going pay them.
I know that the above story doesn’t end there and that there is so much more that happens on a morning like that. I am also aware that days like that tend to form viscous circles that are easy to get caught up in. You tend to lose track of time because your main focus is making it through the day. Nothing ever seems to get better, not much if anything ever changes for the good and words like someday become a regular part of your vocabulary. My question to you is; are you ready to make “someday” a reality? If you answered yes my second question is; Are you ready to take action in order to break free from the rat race and create the life you want?
Trust—expecting the best to happen, believing in your ability to create what you want, and knowing you deserve to have it—can be demonstrated in many ways. It is demonstrated by believing in something even when the outer world seems to reflect something else.
Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
The key in either situation is that you must take action and that action must feel good. If you are going through a rough time and you are having trouble figuring out which action will feel good, and then look for an action that will bring you some level of relief. Even a small amount of relief is good. You can build on it and as you continue to take small steps and build upon the relief your load will lighten. Your mind will open a little more and you will attract more ideas, more opportunities, and more solutions.
It is worth repeating that you must take action and you must feel good. If there is fear surrounding all of your choices then start small and the small steps will build upon each other until you get to a place where a larger step feels good, feels right. Taking action is very empowering and this method (small steps) Kaizen Method is a very effective way of building your level of belief and as you do you will attract more of the inspiration, resources, and situations you require to live the life you want.
Since the book ( Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
Tomorrow: Essential Ingredient #4
Inspired Actions
Life Lesson #2 The Time is Now
Until Then, Smile Often
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