First comes thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.
-Napoleon Hill
Essential Ingredient #3
Life Lesson # 1 Don’t take it personally
As I was reading today’s short story I once again found myself face to face with a lesson that I was meant to experience at just that particular moment. My belief is that when you begin to tune into yourself and your values the universe steps up to see that you are provided with the right tools to make things happen. Apparently I’m right where I need to be and the tools I need have been finding me right here Monday –Friday.
Attitude is the reflection of a person, and our world mirrors our attitude.
-Earl Nightingale
My take away from today’s story; our biggest roadblock s in achieving our dreams is ourselves. I knew that, but I’m always learning new ways we accomplish it. We find ways to both internally and externally, consciously and unconsciously impede our progress. Imagine for a second all that we could accomplish, all that we could be do and have if we would only stay out of our own way. Think for a moment about all the time wasted on anger, excuses, and blame…now forgive yourself for it, let it go and move forward.
There are many things that block us from receiving the prosperity we desire one of which is blame. In today’s lesson they not only discuss this type of blockage but they give you a method for clearing it…FORGIVENESS. Forgiving someone for doing you wrong is tough enough and can be unimaginable for some depending on the circumstances. However forgiving one’s self can be even harder.
Now if you, like me believe in the Law of Attraction you understand that what you put out into the universe you attract back more of the same. So if you are angry and miserable and holding a grudge against yourself or anyone else it stands to reason that you will attract more situations into your life that will produce similar feelings and outcomes. However if you let go of the anger and forgive (truly) forgive yourself and others for everything you remove the roadblock and clear your path to receive more of what you want.
At this point I want to back track a step and let you know that the story also talks about the Laws of Prosperity (The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
1. Mentally forgive everyone you are out of harmony with.
2. Mentally ask forgiveness from the people you have wronged in the past, gossiped about, in a law suit with or any other disharmony with.
3. If you have accused yourself of failure or mistakes, forgive yourself.
Once you have completed these steps you will clear your path and open your door for prosperity.
There was a time in my life where I commuted from Hampton to Boston for work. I did this for nine years through all sorts of weather. During that time I developed road rage…everyone was out to get me, cutting me off, slamming on their breaks for no apparent reason, not letting me on the highway, and just all around rude. I didn’t know what I did to them but apparently I had done it to a lot of people. That anger would linger at both the start and end of my day. That was then.
These days when someone cuts me off I try to remember that everyone has a story and I always say “They were in such a hurry I hope everything is ok”, no anger to carry through my day and I feel so much better and all I did was change how I saw the situation, I changed my perspective, let go of the anger and mad my commute, days and evenings a lot more pleasant.
Exercise 1
In your prosperity journal write the name of a person you have felt resentful towards lately.
Write down the perspective you currently hold about the situation.
Ask yourself what’s a different perspective that I could hold and feel better about?
Try to identify at least six different perspectives.
Read through all of them and decide which one feels better.
When you‘ve felt even the smallest amount of relief in how you feel, you’ve done your work!
So the next time someone does something and you notice that you are taking in personally and allowing it to effect you remember the above exercise and try looking at the situation from a different perspective. You’ll be surprised how the quality of your life can improve simply by changing your perspective.
Final thought for the day:
In life, we will encounter hurts and trials that we will not be able to change; we are just going to have to allow them to change us.
Ron Lee Davis
Tomorrow:Essential Ingredient #3 Transforming Thoughts
Life Lesson #2 Where Thought Goes, Energy Flows
Have a great weekend, Smile Often
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