Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.
-Stephen Covey
Essential Ingredient #2
Life Lesson # 5 Call In Your Team
Sometimes the lessons we learn are hard…very hard. The situations we get ourselves into can be even more difficult to get ourselves out of (most of the time because we make it that way by believing it to be that way). However with everything I have been through I have learned a couple of things over and over again…I’ll be ok and things work out. They tend to work out better and faster when I make choices that align with who I am and the values I hold. I’ve also learned that we never have to go it alone…sometimes we just choose to.
Great moments wait around every corner.
-Richard M. DeVos
-Richard M. DeVos
I have a team. Each member of my team has a special purpose. Some people are there as shoulders to lean on, they listen ask questions and give hugs but offer little advice. My coach is there to help me work through challenges and help me stay on track. I also have an attitude person, who helps me stay in a positive frame of mind. My point is that I have different people I can go to for different reasons. They are family, friends, and professionals and as I travel through life on my journey to achieving my dreams I call on them for support, advice, reminders, even hugs.
Today’s lesson talked about not only having a team in place but having the right members on the team and calling on them for the right reason. Simply put if you needed financial advice you should probably think twice before calling on the friend who has a gambling problem and doesn’t have a penny to his name.
The book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
also mentions that your team can also include classes and/or retreats. The authors also says to keep personal history in mind when working with people that have a personal history with you, the more objective your team the better.
It’s important that when you call on your team that you be very specific when you are asking them for help with what you need. When you make a request be sure you receive a yes. This is a powerful team you are putting together and the interaction may take practice for all involved. Some may give you what you need and others may need to be reminded, but it’s up to you to you to get what you need.
Exercise 1
In your prosperity journal answer the following questions:
1. Who’s on your team?
2. What role do you want them to take on with you?
3. How do you want them to support you?
4. Are you forcing anyone to be on your team? If so why?
5. Who else could you find who’s more suitable?
Note: Please keep in mind that although I use excerpts and exercise from the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
, I do believe that you can and will benefit from reading the blog and following the exercises. Having said that I also think you miss out on the stories and larger explanations that may provide you a deeper understanding of the material. If you don’t want to purchase the book you could ask a friend if you could borrow it or check your local library.
Essential Ingredient #3
Transforming Thoughts
Until tomorrow, Smile Often
Your team? This is very interesting how when you read it becomes clear what we do in times of need. Yes surround yourself with good people and you will look good and feel wonderful. A fantastic mentor of mine coached me and this was his favorite saying. I love that I have the strength to pick my team, at one time it was just by default. Today it is focused and goal driven. Thanks for teaching me. Many blessing to you, Steve:)