Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 9 Where You Currently Stand is Perfect

We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are
-The Talmud

Essential Ingredient #2

Life Lesson # 3
Where You Currently Stand is Perfect

Have you ever been so worried about something you made yourself sick? So worried the only things you could concentrate on were all the ones you did that didn’t work out? A situation that you had no idea how to fix (and you kept telling yourself that) or how you would survive it? If you said yes you are not alone.

I have experienced it. Stranger thing most of the time I realized my worry was much larger than the actual issue. It’s a vicious negative circle that when looked at closely is usually fueled by our negative thoughts and fears…we make things worse. Our imagination climbs on board the train and out of nowhere we go from a board missing off the track to the bridge being out. We forget about all that has gone right. We forget about what we have gone through. We forget that we always have a choice and that choice could lead be our ticket off the train.

It’s like that bill collector you’ve been avoiding, he calls and calls and you never pick up the phone. Instead you cringe when your phone rings and worry about the next time he’s going to call. You may even take it a step further and start complaining about him and all he’s trying to do is his job. It’s not his fault he’s calling you.

Most bill collectors know that they are calling people who are struggling. That doesn’t change the fact that they want their money and would like to know when you can give it to them. You probably feel like you have no choice here so you don’t answer the phone you avoid it at all cost. Truth is you do have a choice…avoid or pick up the phone. Why not communicate with them and lessen the load. They may not stop calling but maybe they work with you. Maybe they call less often. The point being you may not like your choices but you always have one.

I use the example above because so many can relate to it and I know it must be hard for those who don’t know me that well to put their faith in believing I understand where they are coming from, but keep this in mind; everybody has a story. My story could fill several episodes of Oprha, without even trying. It is these experiences that have brought me to where I am today and what help me to relate so well to my clients.

I’ve never been poor only broke.
Being poor is a frame of mind.
Being broke is a temporary situation.

-Mike Todd

My interpretation of today’s stories is; learning to live in the moment, letting go of the outcome, freeing your mind so that you stay in a “place” where possibilities and opportunities become clear. When you are in a crazed no hope frame of mind you close yourself off to both. I am not saying ignore, or toss in the towel simply live this moment, believe that opportunities to improve are everywhere and the possibilities are endless. To borrow a line from the movie “The Santa Clause 2” Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.” Have a faith…look how far you have already come.

I know what you are probably thinking. You’re probably thinking “easier said than done”. Been there said that. However I also believe in the Law of Attraction. I also have experienced all of this enough to know that it is true. But most of all I know that if you think about your state of mind when you have experienced a situation like this then you know how difficult it can be to have faith and see anything good when you are so crazy with worry.

So what do you do? In the book they suggest stepping back. Stop exhausting yourself take some deep breaths over and over again, allow yourself to relax and let in thoughts not bound by the issue. When you settle down enough to focus on you, your body & how you are feeling, you can begin to accept what is going on and accept responsibility for your situation. By accepting responsibility you are taking control , giving yourself back the power to change it and best of all you can turn any situation around no matter how dark or deep.

Sound too good to be true? It’s true. As hard as it may be to believe you are in the perfect place right now. You have been moving away from your dream and what is happening is actually happening to help you make the corrections you need to make.
It Matters not how many times you fall, but how many times you rise.

There may be bumps in the road but what matters is how you respond to them.
So give yourself permission to be exactly where you are. Whatever the current state of your relationships, family, finances, health, or life balance, accept that you are fine. Stop comparing, stop self criticizing.

Straight from the book:

Exercise 1

Here is a great way to be at peace with your life even if you’re not anywhere near living your dreams.

Call to mind any areas in your life where you feel negative judgment about. (Its easier if you write it down)

Do you have any constant negative judgment or guilt about your financial status? Debt?

Do you have any frustration about your mate (or lack of one)? What about your family? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Write down every nagging situation that you wish were different.

When you are done choose one topic you would like to release. Imagine you could hold all the negative thoughts about this issue in your hand. You can begin to look at them from a different perspective. Take a nice deep breath in. Continue to take deep breaths in through your nose then releasing through your mouth. Imagine squashing all the thoughts into a ball the size of an orange

Keep breathing. As you become more centered ask yourself some questions about the ball of thoughts you are holding. What’s it made of? Is there a texture to it? Does it feel light or heavy? Does it have color?

Decide what you would like to do with it. It’s your ball of thoughts and you get to decide its fate. You can drop it, burn it or dissolve it. You can shrink it to the size of a pin head. You can toss it in the ocean. What about an imaginary laser beam breaking it up into dust? You can blow it into the wind. You can put it anywhere you want. Choose.

Good. How are you feeling about the issue now? Continue your breathing. Remember you are bigger than it. These thoughts mean nothing about you. You can continue releasing these thoughts one by one.


Life Lesson #4

You Are Always At Choice

Until tomorrow, Smile Often

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