I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
-Booker T. Washington
Essential Ingredient #2
Life Lesson # 1
You’re Never Stuck!
Burnout doesn’t occur because we’re solving problems; it occurs because we’ve been trying to solve the same problems over and over. The problem named is the problem solved. Identify and confront the real problems in your path.
-Susan Scott
I was recently talking with a friend who wanted to know what kind of people I work with. I told her that I work with people from different walks of life. These individuals are in a wide range of careers and are at different stages in their lives. I also told her that my ideal client was someone who was; sick and tired of being sick and tired, ready, open and willing to change, committed to living a better life and have at least one goal.
It is your responsibility to see that your life works out the way you want it to. No one else can do it for you. The power to change your life is within you. –Heidi Baer
The short story that goes along with today’s lesson is said to be a rags to faith to riches story. After reading the story it was clear to me that it was riches to rags to faith to riches story.
The short version is that this woman left one marriage (where she was well off), received a settlement. Invested it with someone she trusted. Lost everything, filed bankruptcy, and had to start all over again (large family in tow). It’s an amazing true tale of someone on the verge of falling apart, recommitting to her dreams, holding tight to her faith, and coming out on top.
This woman understood the stakes were high. She was scared and knew the journey would be a tough one. She fought through the fear and rejection she faced along the way and was rewarded in the end.
Have you ever felt “stuck”? Is there a situation in your life that you are unhappy with yet still you “put up” with? Maybe the stuck is too mild a word. What keeps you up at night worrying how you are going to fix or solve it?
No doubt about it, it’s a terrible situation to be in. Worrying, unhappy, seeing no way out. Most of us have been there, many of us still are. If you are at the stage where you have had enough and you are not going to put up with it any more then you are ready.
I’m going to share a secret with you, one that’s important you know: You’re never truly stuck. It’s the way we interpret the situation that holds us back or pushes us forward and no matter where you are on your journey you have the power/ability to turn your life around. You do not need to figure out the how this very second. You only need be open to change.
Exercise 1
Today’s exercise asks us to identify an area in our life that we are tiered of? Define and record it in your prosperity journal. Look at the situation and ask yourself if you are ready for it to be different.
The authors ask us to then define the real problem not the side effects (I have included the example from the book( Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life )
Side effects- I’m overwhelmed, I have too many people emailing me and I can’t handle them all. Even when I’m with my family I’m stressing about all the -emails in my inbox and not enjoying my family.
Real Problem- The lack of structure with my schedule has me feeling overwhelmed. I’m reacting to the outside circumstances verses designing a schedule and structure that works for me.
Now next to each problem you have written down describe your ideal outcome. Every part of the outcome should feel good to you. Once you do all of that go back over them and make a conscious decision about each. Are you ready for them to be different? Don’t worry about how you will do that right now just make a choice, are you ready or not and it’s perfectly ok if you are not. All you have to do at this point is make a choice; ready or not, yes or no. The act of deciding alone can be very empowering because you are not allowing the choice to be made for you.
Once you complete the exercise let me know how things are going and if you have any questions.
Essential Ingredient #2 continued
Defining Moments
Life Lesson #2 Breakthroughs don’t have to Be Hard
Until Then have a wonderful weekend and Smile Often
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ReplyDeleteI read your blog and I can't stop but think life is a constant conversation. One with our selves and the one with the person or persons we are in breakdown with. I love to be present and when ever I think future or past it is usually due to a conversation I have not had or should have had. Today my conversation helped to solve the mystery's in my mind. The challenges were all solved with a simple conversation. Thanks for keeping me present! Steve:)
Steve Thank you for sharing and for following along with me, it's a pleasure to have you be a part of my journey. Sometimes when we have so much going on all we need to do is step back and look at the situation from a fresh or new perspective for the light to dawn.