Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 4 Releasing the “How” So the Dream Can Unfold

When the truly great people discover they have been deceived by the signposts along the road of life, they shift gears and keep going.

                                                                                       -Nido Qubein

Life Lesson #3 Releasing the “How” So the Dream Can Unfold

Some people create their own opportunities; others go where the opportunities are the greatest; others fail to recognize the opportunity when they are faced with it.     
                                                                                                                              -Walter P Chrysler

I’m sitting in church and the minister begins his sermon, although I haven’t sat through a Sunday Mass in a very long time, as he continues on one thing becomes perfectly clear; he’s talking about me. Have you ever experienced anything like that? I have, and I experienced it again when I opened to today’s Life Lesson and begun to read. This is one lesson that hits close to home as I have always wanted to know the “How” of it all. I have been told a time or to that relaxing isn’t my strong suit (even by my chiropractor). I have come a long way and have become better at ‘Releasing the How” but there is always room for improvement.

There is very good reason to release the how. When we focus on the how of a dream or goal we tend to see the road blocks instead of the possibilities. In many cases, the “how” ends up freezing our dreams in their tracks. The book goes on to say that by focusing on the how we are trying to control our future instead of creating it using the Law of Attraction. They suggest we focus on the what, where, when & who and put the how off to the side suggesting that it will unfold latter.

We are asked to be specific, have as clear of a vision of our goal as possible. Our job is the vision and the clearer the vision the easier the how of it all will show up. They give the example of going to a restaurant and placing your order with the waiter, the clearer more specific you are the more likely your food will show up the way you wanted…you don’t need to know the how of it all for it to happen.
As you become more and more specific with your vision pay close attention to the feelings you experience. As you get more specific if you start to feel a bit tense, anxious or that your focus is being drawn away from the vision and is back on the how, it’s probably a good idea to back off the specifics a little until you are once again feeling positive when you think of the goal. Remember the more positive energy regarding a specific goal that you send out into the universe the more that will return to you.

You want to feel good when you think about your dream; it’s not going to work if your focus ends up being given to the thing about your dream that makes you feel tense and starts you back on a road to negative self-talk.

Exercise 1
Today we are asked to go back to our Journals and get specific with the dreams/goals we have written down. This means focus on the; who, when, what, and where of it all and not on the how. As you record the specifics notice your thoughts and feelings surrounding the goals. Make sure you get as specific as possible with each goal without bringing yourself to the point of feeling negative (stay in a “happy Place”).

If you do start feeling negative about any of the goals write the negative thoughts down and find ways to flip the negative statements around to positive ones.

Next go back over each of the goals and ask yourself why you want them. How will you and your life benefit from accomplishing this? By doing this we discover not only what we want and why we want it, but what we do not want as well and it is good to be aware of that also.

Taking our focus off the how and placing it back on the dream may not be easy at first but after realizing that so many of the dilemmas I have been in could have been avoided had I changed my focus, I would have to say it’s worth the effort.

Have you always focused on the how and all the negative feelings that are associated with doing so? Curious..."How's that working for you"? Are you ready to try something new? How do you turn your bad/negative moments around?

Tomorrow’s Life lesson, #4 “The Power of Your State of Mind”

Until Then, Smile Often



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