At any moment I could start being a better person...
But which moment should I choose?
-Ashleigh Brilliant
Essential Ingredient #2
Life Lesson # 2
Breakthroughs Don’t Have To Be Hard
The dictionary defines “defining moment” as; a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified. I would like to add that it is a point at which one obtains clarity. They get “it”. In coaching terms it is referred to as an “aha moment”. For me, reflecting back over my own defining moments tells a story, reminds me of what’s truly important, points out just how far I have come, and all that I have overcome and accomplished to get here.
Each of us has moments in our lives that stand out... Moments that have either taught or reminded us something about ourselves. For me these moments range from simply biting my tongue and keeping a particular thought to myself to the time when the Doctor told me that the humane thing to do was to not tell my Mom what was going on and instead just to allow her to bleed to death. My point is defining moments come in all sizes and we experience them at different times in different situations. The moment itself doesn’t need to be large for there to be an “Aha” sometimes it comes down to a saying yes or no when your usual response would have been the opposite.
One of the things I have always been good at is helping people see things from a different perspective. Seeing things differently can help you go from fearful to proactive, from trapped and hopeless to open and filled with possibilities. These moments, life defining moments build you up, give you strength, teach you about life and yourself and get stored in your memory for a future time when you need a boost of confidence, or to recall how you dealt with a similar situation.
What you learn or gain from one moment can be used to help you through others and make your life better, happier, more fulfilling. The situation may be different, but the process is not. In the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
1 Decide what you want.
2. Give your attention to it in a way that feels good.
3. Follow your inner guidance to take the steps that will be perfect for your journey.
Give me a kiss to build a dream on, and my imagination will thrive upon that kiss.
-Louis Armstrong
Exercise 1 What are your Life Defining Moments?
In your prosperity journal list at least 10 situations, moments that turned your life toward a more fulfilling path.
Look back on your life and appreciate all you have done, all your accomplishments. Feel joy, celebrate, relive it, relish it, and remember it as vividly as you can use all your senses to paint the picture.
Next identify those thoughts and practices that served you in each instance. This information is your road map to your desires.
The easiest time to forget what we have been through, how far we have come, all the road blocks we have knock down, all the times we succeeded, and all our accomplishments is when we are on the verge of another defining moment. That is why taking the time to look back, remember, celebrate and use what we have learned about who we are, who we want to be is so important.
Life Lesson #3
Where You Currently Stand Is Perfect
Until tomorrow, Smile Often
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