Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 2 What You Think and What You Feel Are Always A Match

What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity?
Our attitude toward it.
Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.

-J. Sidlon Baxter

Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life

Life Lesson #2

What You Think and What You Feel Are Always A Match

It isn’t every day that opportunities present themselves…or is it?

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations
.-Chuck Swindoll

Today’s short story was about opportunity, attitude and commitment. I’m a firm believer that opportunities are everywhere. It’s not opportunity that is in short supply; it’s the level of commitment that one is willing to give in order to turn the opportunity into the outcome that is desired. In short what are you willing to do in order to have what you want?

We all know what opportunities are, although we may not recognize or be interested in every single one that comes our way. But what about attitude and your commitment level, how committed are you to turning the opportunity into a personal win? Are you ready to give it all you have? Or has it been your experience that you start out strong and then a week, maybe two into it you hit a wall and suddenly it doesn’t seem like such a great idea. Suddenly you have something else to do. Suddenly there are at least five or six good reasons why you “can’t” continue. Where is that can do attitude now?

Don’t feel bad, you are not alone and you can break that pattern right here, right now. If you haven’t yet committed to joining me on this journey it’s never too late to start. Go back and read Day One complete the exercises and then re-read Day Two and complete the exercise over the weekend. By Monday morning you will be energized and ready to go.

So far we have started identifying what we want to be do and have, and we have talked a little bit about opportunities, attitude, and commitment. Now they ask us to think about the questions doubts and feelings that are coming to the surface …you know that nagging little voice in the back of your mind. The one that seems to say the same thing over and over again. Things such as:

• I Can’t do it

• I don’t know how

• What if it doesn’t work

• What will people think if It doesn’t work

• I can’t afford it right now

• Nothing else has worked

Take some time to think back and try to recall the opportunities that didn’t turn out the way you wanted. What were the thoughts and feelings associated with those events, are they positive or negative?

Now think about the times when things did work out. What were the thoughts and feelings associated around those events, were they positive or negative?

This is where the Law of Attraction comes in, remember like attracts like; what you focus on and where you put your energy will determine if you attract more positive or negative situations. So if you walk around most of the time with a negative attitude, complaining and feeling sorry for yourself you will attract more things or situations to complain and feel bad about. However if you are happy, grateful for what you have and spend the majority of your time living and behaving in a positive manner you will attract more positive things and situations into your life.

The good news is that no matter which category you place yourself in (positive or negative) you are in control of your life and you can learn to use the Law of Attraction to improve it. You will need to reduce the negative thoughts and behaviors but it can be done.
I know this seems too simple, and my guess is that the negative voice inside your head is saying “too good to be true”. My thoughts? Simple isn’t always easy, but I know this works I have tested it with simple things and over and over again it has worked.


1. In your journal review all the “wants” from yesterday’s exercises and list any limiting beliefs you have regarding each of them.

Examples would be

a. I always make really bad choices

b. I don’t have any time to do what I need to do in order to accomplish my goals

c. I fail at so many things

d. Nothing ever works out for me

2. Now replace these thoughts with ones that support what you want. Record all of this in your journal. Replace old thoughts with the new ones.

a. I have made some great choices in my life (after all you chose to read my blog and that was a great choice )

b. I am willing and ready to commit the time required to accomplish my goals

c. I may not have found the answer yet but I know that I will

d. I am ready to put my energy into creating a better life

The last part of this exercise is to release, rid yourself of your limiting beliefs by throwing it away, burning it, or even burying it.

Final thought for the day? Life is too short to allow ourselves to set up road blocks that prevent us from living the life we want. We are the biggest obstacle in the way of achieving our dreams and the good news is we can change that. Take some time this week and become aware of the things you say to yourself when nobody else is listening are you more negative or positive? How can you improve yourself talk?

Until Monday, Have a great weekend and Smile Often


1 comment:

  1. Barbara,

    I am so proud of you. I wish you great sucess in your new blog. Your passion if present. Thank you for making the world a better place.
    Your Pal, Steve :)
