Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.
-Wayne Dyer
Life Lesson #4
The Power of Your State of Mind
The People who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can’t find them, make them.
-George Bernard Shaw
So far when I have talked about The Law of Attraction I have given you the basic bottom line explanation. In other words I gave you a car without giving you any gas. Much like gas fuels a car today you will learn what fuels The Law of Attraction.
Today’s story was about a business that was going down fast and how the owners with the support of their staff used The Law of Attraction to improve the financial situation.
The company was suffering. It wasn’t until one of the owners discovered The Law of Attraction and it’s catalyst that everything began to change. They learned that the basic explanation was; whatever you focused on you would get more of, wanted or not. They also learned that there was a little more to it. They found out that the “Law” is fueled by emotion. Think about it; emotion is filled with energy. Sometimes the energy is positive and sometimes it’s negative either way that energy causes vibrations. Those vibrations act like magnetic waves that channel from you out into the universe and the universe has no choice but to give back to you what you gave to it…you get what you give.
With the walls caving in on them they needed to find a way to change the energy that they way and their staff were emitting into atmosphere. During the time when they were researching the “Law” they came across the Abraham Hicks website (www.Abraham-Hicks.com) and a game called “The Prosperity Game”. The game became the vehicle they used to shift their energy as well as their staff’s and in doing so changed what they thought was the enviable future of the company.
It’s a great story, a true story and this book is filled with them. If you haven’t already purchased this book I highly recommend that you do, truly a small price to pay when you consider all the benefits you can receive.
The prosperity game is like an imaginary bank account, a bank account that replenishes itself on a daily basis. On the first day you deposit $10,000 and spend it. On anything your heart desires. One the next day you increase the deposit by $1,000 (so your deposit is $11,000) and then you spend that. The next day your deposit will be $12,000 and continues like this until there’s nothing left for you to buy or you no longer need the assistance of the game to shift from lack to abundance. I Love this idea and I am beginning my prosperity account tomorrow.
Exercise 1
With so many homeless and hungry people in this world it can be truly tough believing in abundance. However with all the food that goes to waste and all the empty home it plain to see that we do not have a shortage problem we have a distribution problem.
In order for us to receive we need to believe, so it’s time to believe in abundance. It’s time to understand that you having everything and as much of everything as you want in life you are not depriving anyone else of having the same There is more than enough to go around. So believe and receive.
Get some index cards and on them write one “I am” statement each.
Here are the examples in the book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
I am so happy & grateful that money is mine to receive, invest, grow, & share.
I am so happy & grateful that money flows to me easily & effortlessly.
I am so happy & grateful that I am outrageously successful in everything I do.
I am so happy & grateful that I embrace abundance, & abundance embraces me.
The above statements are great affirmations, I encourage you to use them and/or come up with some of your own.
Once you have written and are happy with your “I am” statements read them, and not in a haphazard way but with emotion, conviction, believe it is so. Do this at least twice a day (try it while looking in a mirror), once in the morning and again before you go to bed. Consistency is important so commit to doing this every day, it takes about four weeks for it to become a habit and for the belief to kick in. If you want the reality do the work…recognizing the abundance that surrounds you is one heck of a pay off.
Life lesson, #5 “The Power of Intention Not Attachment”
Until Then, Smile Often
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