Today I began a journey that I hope will inspire others to “create” the life that they want instead of settling for the life they have (unless the life they have is the life they want). I also hope to show people that the answers they seek could be as close as their bookshelf, local library, or book store and that you don’t need to wait until you make more money in order to start living a better life. There are simple things we all can do right now, today, (many refer to this as planting the seeds) that will shape our tomorrows.
Remember today, for it is the beginning of always. Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold. Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.” –Unknown
Let’s start planting!
Tools needed for this journey (only if you plan to join me on the journey, if you choose to follow only you do not need any of these tools…but what if it works, where would you be one year from today)
Book: “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”
Prosperity Journal
Your Imagination
“Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction”
How the book is laid out
The book consists of “7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life”. Each Ingredient is a chapter. Every chapter is broken up into 5 “Life Lessons” that contain positive quotes, a short story, and one or two exercises (or assignments).
Each day (Monday-Friday) I will read one lesson, complete the related exercises (even if I have done this type of exercise in the past) and share my progress with you.
Introduction (If you have the book don’t skip this, it’s a brief but clear explanation of how the Law of Attraction works).
Ingredient # 1 “Here’s How It Works”
Lesson 1 “Let Your Passion Be Your Guide”
All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.-Napoleon Hill
Today’s short story message was about allowing the “good” to flow into your life. For those of us who know something about the Law of Attraction we understand that “like attracts like” but understanding that simple rule doesn’t make it easy to follow…I think whoever defined simple in the dictionary should have mentioned that simple doesn’t always mean easy.
So what are they trying to tell us when they say “like attracts like”? Have you ever noticed how when you are in a bad mood everything else seems to go wrong? That’s because the more negative vibrations we send out the more that come back to us. The flip side of that is the more positive vibrations (energy) we send out the more positive things, people or situations we attract, and there in a nut shell is the Law of Attraction.
Life Lesson #1 Let Your Passion Be Your Guide
In the first lesson they ask us to take some time to think about (in detail) who we want to be, and when you can see yourself as that person and you look back at your life what do you want to recall about your journey, what were your mile stones?
Exercise 1 & and 2
Exercise #1 was to write a letter to myself detailing where I will be one year from this date based on the visualization I did in lesson 1. Once the letter was written I was to place it in an envelope, date it and put it somewhere safe where I would be able to find it one year from today.
My experience
This was an easy exercise for me, because I did something very similar last year. However I decided I would start from square one.
The first thing was to find a quite place where I could sit with my journal, close my eyes and truly visualize myself and my life one year from today. I didn’t visualize the life I thought I would have based on where I am today, I visualized where I wanted to be, what I wanted to be doing, who I wanted around me, and what I wanted to have…be, do, have. Then I put it in an envelope, sealed it, framed it and will hang it in my office.
This was very interesting for me and I found that some things had changed drastically since I last did this exercise, including me.
Exercise #2
Record in your journal all the goals, desires and accomplishments you want to achieve in your lifetime. Yes I did say Life time. I know this is could be huge and they ask that we write each goal on a separate page…I may need two journals. Now this might be the truly tough part but you cannot censor yourself even if it seems silly or unattainable. Include both long and short term desires, no holding back. Go for things that will lift you up and make you feel like you were on top of the world. Things that make your heart race and you smile.
The second half of this exercise was a little tougher for me only because it’s a very long list…I have a great imagination. So this I decided will be an ongoing exercise for me.
Day one was an interesting experience. I know that this is not going to be a quick fix for any of us…but experience tells me quick fixes don’t last. So big commitment or not I’m all in, ready to go open to every possibility and grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with you.
Until tomorrow, Smile Often
Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life
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